Navigating city life with a pet presents its own set of challenges, resembling a concrete jungle of honking horns and towering skyscrapers. Picture a woman facing the everyday reality of city living with her dog, new to urban environments and uneasy around larger canines. The challenge intensified when an unleashed Rottweiler approached her in a public park.
Despite her attempts to distance herself, the persistent Rottweiler ignored signals to leash up. Desperate, she signaled the owner, but the pursuit continued. Fearing for her dog’s safety, she resorted to flashing a taser, creating a tense standoff. The abrupt retreat of the Rottweiler triggered accusations of threatening behavior, leaving the woman questioning if her actions were justified.
This incident exposed the delicate balance between protecting one’s pet and unintentionally escalating tensions in the intricate world of dog-walking etiquette in the city.
1. We will have to know a lot more than just that to decide.
2. That day OP was walking her dog around her apartment complex before leaving for work.
3. As OP’s dog is still getting used to living in the city, she takes him to a small children’s park which also doubles as a dog park where he feels comfortable pooping.
4. While at the park, an unleashed Rottweiler noticed OP’s dog and began to approach it.
5. Although not all Rottweilers are aggressive, OP did not take any chances and asked his owner to keep him away. The owner whistled to his dog from far away but it seemed like they didn’t have much vocal control over it.
6. While OP tried to keep their dog as far away from the Rottweiler as possible, the other owner said her dog is friendly and wouldn’t hurt.
7. Knowing the owner wasn’t doing anything and the dog wasn’t going to back off either, OP pulled out her taser and used its sounds to scare the dog away. It worked.
8. This finally made the Rottweiler’s owner get up as she began lashing at OP for using a taser. OP asked the internet if doing so made her an AH or not.
NTA. This is clearer than Thai Clear Soup. Bad one but whatever. That Rottweiler could have done anything and its owner was not having any of it. She was just sitting there. What if the Rott had attacked both OP and the dog? Who would have been responsible then? That is why it is said to always be proactive when it comes to taking your dogs out in public. The reactive approach is going to do nothing because a dog will never tell you that it is going to bite someone.
OP should have tased the dog. That way it would have known not to approach strangers like that.
Here’s what the AITA community had to say:
9. All OP did was prevent a dangerous situation.
10. This Rottweiler did not seem like it was under its owner’s control.
11. That day hasn’t arrived this far. Let’s see how long it takes.
12. The sad part is the owner knew exactly what was happening,
13. You can do whatever it takes to protect a loved one.
14. A Rottweiler under the ownership of a dumb owner is an injustice to the dog.
15. Whoever says they have a friendly dog, don’t believe them.
16. That dog was unleashed and looked like it was going to attack him. Had OP even tased the Rottweiler, it would have been fine.
17. If it won’t work this way, then let’s work it that way.
18. You should have tased the dog to teach it a solid lesson.
19. A complete failure as a dog owner.
20. People need to learn the concept of “taking permission”.
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Cat tax.
“Neighbor’s cat looking through my bathroom window.”
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