Dogs are frequently regarded as cherished family members by their owners. However, their presence is not universally welcomed, particularly during social gatherings and events. While many people adore the companionship and joy that dogs bring, others may have concerns or reservations due to reasons like allergies, fear, or a simple preference for a pet-free environment. The dynamics of including dogs in social situations can often lead to dilemmas and disagreements among family members and friends.
OP is currently going through a similar situation. She has three dogs: a high-energy, anxious rescue; a puppy in crate training; and a calm but easily influenced two-year-old. When left alone, the dogs tend to damage OP’s home. Crating isn’t an option, and they rarely leave the house without the dogs. OP’s mother, who has a dog-friendly yard, frequently invites OP to family events, but OP struggles with what to do about the dogs. It’s not feasible to walk them before visiting and hiring a sitter is too expensive. The mother wants OP to leave the dogs at home or with her husband during visits, which OP finds unfair. OP believes their dogs are part of the package and doesn’t want to risk home damage while spending time with family. They feel they chose this life by adopting and believe the mother should understand their situation.
1. OP asks if she is wrong to bring her dogs to her mother’s BBQ party instead of leaving them at home.
2. OP has three dogs: a high-energy, anxious one-year-old rescue, a five-month-old puppy undergoing crate training, and a calm but easily influenced two-year-old. They tend to destroy her house when left alone.
3. Her mother has a large yard where her dogs love to play with her mother’s two-year-old dog. It’s their favourite place, and they all enjoy running and playing together.
4. OP’s mother wants them to visit often for family BBQs and outdoor hangouts in her spacious yard. It feels wrong to leave her dogs locked up at home while they are outside.
5. Her family expect her to either leave the dogs at home or have her husband stay with them, which doesn’t seem fair to him.
6. OP has told her family that they are a package deal; OP understand they don’t want 3-4 dogs in their yard, but she can’t leave them home without a sitter.
7. She asks if is she being unreasonable. OP made choices that they needed to understand. OP don’t want to risk her home being destroyed for a quiet meal in their yard.
8. OP was furious about the Redditor’s comments and tried to rephrase the question that she asked.
9. OP is fine with the verdict the Reddit community gave on her post. She agrees they are not perfect owner or trainers, but they are actively working on the issues; crate training isn’t as simple as it seems.
10. OP has also invited her family to visit her place with their dog. She is not insisting her dogs go to their house. She just simply cannot join the weekly BBQ if her dogs are not allowed to come.
11. OP cannot afford a sitter every week for the weekly BBQ!!
12. She simply doesn’t visit her family’s house if her dogs aren’t invited, always seeking permission before bringing the dogs over.
13. Why have so many dogs that you cannot control them??
14. OP have made a decision, and they’ve set a boundary. As a result, OP may not see them as frequently, which is regrettable but ultimately OP’s choice.
15. You cannot bring your dogs everywhere!!
16. Lol, it’s amusing when someone edits their post to complain about the feedback they’re getting. When you ask the internet for advice, what else do you expect?
17. OP should consider training her dogs; perhaps having three is too much for OP to handle.
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