Emilie, a rescuer and foster mom, dedicated to making a difference for the most vulnerable animals, shares a heartwarming story about a cat named Persephone.
This poor, sweet cat mama-to-be was so terrified when Emilie rescued her. It was probably due to her lack of contact with people. That was really hard for Emilie, but she was determined to help the poor animal anyway. She said:
“I think the most difficult thing about fostering semi-feral cats is that you just want to hold them and pet them and tell them that everything’s okay, but that will just terrify them more.”
Because of that, Emilie decided to give her some time to calm down and relax. That was really hard for her, but still, she knew that it was the right thing to do.
Surprisingly, Persephone started adapting to her new surroundings very quickly. She started eating and exploring her environment, feeling more comfortable than before.
Emilie just couldn’t wait for her to finally relax so that she could snuggle with her and meet her adorable babies. She said:
“Once Persephone decided that she could trust me, it was like watching all of her walls just immediately fall down.”
From a fearful, semi-feral cat, Persephone quickly transformed into a snuggly and sweet feline.
Emilie was so proud and happy that the cat had made so much progress. Still, they all needed to be more patient and wait for her to deliver her babies.
When Persephone’s due date approached, Emilie started to worry. Persephone started nesting and stopped eating. She was also very moody which made Emilie think that the cat was about to deliver her babies, but…
… to Emilie’s surprise, nothing happened. She was stressed because all the signs pointed to her being in labor, but there were no babies.
Fortunately, the cat was very active and responsive, meaning that nothing was emergent.
Emilie decided to be patient and wait, but she was prepared for the worst. And then, it finally happened. Emilie wrote:
“It honestly seemed like she kept faking us out. I finally stopped getting my hopes up, and of course, the next morning, I walked in and there were three tiny little kittens that she had given birth to overnight.”
Persephone gave birth to three beautiful kittens: a ginger, a calico, and a black one. Emilie was shocked that Persephone had only three kittens, considering how gigantic she was, but they were all healthy and super chunky.
Emilie introduced the kittens to her Instagram followers:
Pomegranate – the gigantic calico girl.
Primrose – the smallest but the loudest little black panther.
Plum – the handsome orange and white boy.
Everything turned out well and Persephone proved to be the most incredible, attentive mom ever, especially after adopting another kitten, Fievel.
If you liked this beautiful story about an incredible cat mom and her adorable babies, make sure you share it with your friends. Also, check out Happy Whisker for more heartwarming content!
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