In a pet-friendly mall, a woman with her service dog confronts a husky owner who is walking his well-trained pet. Questioning why the husky doesn’t have a service dog tag, the woman expresses concern about the potential for the husky to attack her service animal. Despite the husky owner’s assurance of his dog’s non-aggressive behavior and the mall’s pet-friendly policy, the woman insists that non-service dogs have no place in such environments. As the conversation ends abruptly, the husky owner is left to ponder the encounter, highlighting differing perspectives on pet access in public spaces.
So keep on scrolling down below to read the whole story narrated by OP and make sure to read it till the end otherwise, you won’t be able to let us know whether OP is an A-hole or not.
1. OP asks users if he’s an A-hole for bringing his dog to a store resulting in a person with the service dog being let’s dive deeper and see what OP has to say and users.
2. OP has a husky who is well-mannered and it’s not a service dog moreover, OP went to a mall, and in his country malls are pet friendly, and the only place pets can’t go is a grocery store.
Source: Reddit2. OP has a husky who is well-mannered and it’s not a service dog moreover, OP went to a mall, and in his country malls are pet friendly, and the only place pets can’t go is a grocery store.
3. As OP was walking around the mall a lady approached to OP and asked why her service dog didn’t have a tag on to which OP replied it’s not a service dog. Listening to this she got passive-aggressive and said what would happen if OP’s dog attacked her dog.
4. OP said that his dog is not aggressive at all and as far as he has noticed his dog is not hostile towards her dog but she kept on saying that OP shouldn’t have brought his regular dog to a mall.
5. Now OP is wondering whether he’s an A-hole for bringing his regular dog to a pet-friendly store.
6. First of all, they would have allowed it after careful consideration.
7. Absolutely right! If your dog is well mannered you can take him anywhere it is allowed.
8. A sensible person wouldn’t say that OP is an A-hole according to me.
9. Agreed, what are your thoughts about this response?
10. I don’t know where these entitled people get the audacity to think they are right.
11. A point to be noted!
12. Neither I see any issues if your dog is well-trained.
13. End of story!
14. People should mind their own business and problems like this wouldn’t happen
15. Sweet response from a user.
16. This user shared their personal experience regarding the situation.
17. Hmm, this could also happen lol.
18. Take this with a pinch of salt lady!
19. We all need more people like this user!
20. Well we have seen some of the memes related to this, right?
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