Love is an emotion that spreads harmony everywhere and cannot be forced into submission. It’s common for people to grow possessive of their partners and feel envious if they prioritize anything else. These feelings are normal, but when they become severe and negatively impact other people, they become wrong.
OP’s boyfriend had a cat named Luna, and when he came home, she met her at the door. He hugged her cat and informed her, calling her “sweetie,” that he missed her as well. OP grew envious since he prioritized her pet and called her love names that she preferred to be addressed alone by him. OP was upset by his conduct and asked him not to refer to her cat in the same way he spoke to her fondly. This irritated her partner, and they fought over it. Read the entire story to understand the OP’s issue, and then share your thoughts in the comments section below.
1. OP wonders if it’s wrong to ask her boyfriend to call his cat by her real name.
2. OP’s boyfriend had a cat named Luna, whom she believed he loved more than her.
3. OP despised his calling herself and his cat ‘sweetie’ because competing with a cat made her feel gross.
4. OP restricted her partner from calling her by any name he used for her cat, resulting in a conflict between them.
5. Yes, it became a problem since OP assumed it was.
6. According to Redditor, OP has to act maturely to stay in the relationship with her boyfriend.
7. Indeed! OP is jealous.
8. Redditor is concerned about OP’s reaction if her partner names her future baby by the same loving name.
9. Yes, it’s all the work of the human mind.
10. Redditor explains that OP’s boyfriend loved both OP and her cat so he called both with loving names.
11. Redditor suggests that OP needs help becoming jealous of a cat.
12. According to Redditor, it is common to call pets by love names, and the partner must accept this.
13. Yes, it looks like controlling behavior.
14. Redditor feels that it is ridiculous to make an issue for it.
15. Yes, OP needs to think wisely.
16. Redditor criticizes OP’s attitude to trying to compete with a poor cat.
17. That is savage!
18. Redditor uses all affectionate names for their pet and oppose OP’s reasoning.
19. According to Redditor, OP’s boyfriend refers to all of the key people in his life as sweetie, including OP so she should drop the competition.
20. Redditor suggests that OP needs counseling to deal with her feelings of jealousy.
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