Bella The Cat Breaks The Guinness World Record For Loudest Purr

Bella breaks the Guinness World Record for the loudest purr by a living domestic cat, measuring an astounding 54.59 decibels. 😮
Bella The Cat Breaks The Guinness World Record For Loudest Purr

Meet Bella, a 14-year-old cat, who possesses a superpower that sets her apart from the feline crowd – she can make herself heard, and quite loudly at that!

Bella breaks the Guinness World Record for the loudest purr by a living domestic cat, measuring an astounding 54.59 decibels.

Source: Guinness World Records

Her proud owner, Nicole Spink, couldn’t be happier about Bella’s unique talent, which seems to come as naturally to her as breathing. She describes Bella as a genuine “purring machine.” Nicole told the Guinness:

“She purrs all day long! If there’s food around, or cuddles, she always purrs. Also, when watching TV – she likes to be loud with television. My late husband used to always moan about the sound of her purr blocking the sound of the TV in the evenings.”

Cats usually purr when they’re happy, relaxed, and enjoying the moment. That’s why Bella is unique. She purrs even in the most unexpected places, including the vet hospital. Nicole remarks:

“Some vets have made comments about how she is the only cat they’ve ever heard purr in there.”

How Did Bella’s Loud Purr Gain Recognition?

Source: Guinness World Records

Ever since Bella transformed into a purring machine, her remarkable talent caught the attention of everyone around her. Nicole explained:

“Friends and family always notice Bella’s loud purr, everyone comments, ‘What’s that loud noise? Oh, it’s the cat.’ It’s just Bella being happy.”

With so many questions and comments about Bella’s exceptional purring, Nicole and her daughter decided to put it to the test.

After browsing the Guinness World Records book, they downloaded an app that recorded and measured Bella’s purr, showing remarkable results!

Of course, to set an official record, they needed a sound engineer to help measure it as accurately as possible. 

Source: Guinness World Records

With all the pieces in place, they anxiously awaited the big day. Nicole did express some concerns that Bella might not perform her best during the official attempt.

Fortunately, she knew how to turn Bella into the loudest purring machine possible. 

As soon as she gave her a bowl of her favorite food, Bella couldn’t hide her happiness. Nicole said:

“I fed her a bowl of Whiskas and then, I brought her into the room, laid her in her bed and she started purring, just like that!”

Bella’s record-breaking purr was recorded and measured by independent specialist sound engineers, and it was officially approved by Guinness World Records Adjudicator, Dave Wilson. You can hear Bella’s magical purring in the video below at 1:32.

Following her outstanding performance, registering a purr at an astonishing 54.59 decibels, Bella’s proud owner, Nicole, couldn’t wait to share the thrilling news with her kids. She excitedly said:

“They will be so happy when they hear the news, they’ve been saying to everyone how loud their cat is.”

Bella Is One Happy Kitty

There’s no doubt Bella is one happy kitty. All she does is: eat, sleep, repeat, with the occasional cuddle session.

Although she’s technically an outdoor cat, Bella’s not much of an adventurer. The older she gets, the more she likes to rest in her comfy bed. Nicole added: 

“Food and sleep is pretty much her life! Bella is very friendly, she’s also very lazy, she’s happy to just lay on the sofa and eat food all day long.”

Bella is the queen of the house, who warmly welcomes anyone who comes to the front door. However, she’s not the only kitty in the family. Nicole mentioned:

“I’ve got another cat called Lola, he’s quite a scared cat, he’s pretty much scared of everything around him and likes to hide.”

But, Who Holds The Record For The Loudest Purr Ever?

Source: Guinness World Records

Now that you know Bella holds the record for the loudest purr by a living domestic cat, you might wonder who holds the record title for the loudest purr by a domestic cat ever? 

This prestigious title is shared by two extraordinary kitties, Smokey and Merlin, who have sadly crossed the Rainbow Bridge.

In 2011, Smokey the cat, owned by Lucinda Ruth Adams, set an astonishing record with a purr reaching 67.8 decibels, which is 13.21 louder than Bella.

However, in 2015, Smokey was equaled by Merlin, owned by Tracy West Wood.

To this day, both Smokey and Merlin hold the record as co-holders, but Bella’s accomplishment is nothing short of remarkable, and her family is incredibly proud of her!

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