Jaina works at Cats of San Bernardino and one day they got a call about a cat that was spotted hanging out underneath the car in a bad way so she quickly went to the scene to see what could be done.
When she got there she realized that the cat was in a worse condition than she originally thought, he would need a lot of help and her heart sank.
She had no trouble picking up the cat, the temperature was at least hundred degrees that day and kitty was hardly moving at all, he was in a really bad way.
Back at the clinic they realized that he was very malnourished and was also running a temperature.
One thing they were sure about was that he definitely wasn’t a stray cat, somebody had abandoned him on the streets to fend for himself and that’s why he was so skinny.
He was very weak and dehydrated, he also had a large abscess on his face so they gave him antibiotics and plenty of fluids.
He was very friendly, I think this was because he knew they were trying to help him and he was soon eating solids and paying attention to what was going on around him.
It must’ve felt so good for him, knowing that he was in good hands. They decided to name him Valentino.
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It’s so lovely to see how quickly he bounced back, a bit of care and attention can go along way.
Now Valentino loves cuddles and loves to give kisses, he also likes being outside just hanging out and getting some fresh air.
The hair that he lost on his face because of the abscess was growing back quickly and he was becoming (once again) a handsome kitty.
It must be have been difficult for him to trust humans because of the ordeal that he went through when he was abandoned.
Those lovely people at Cats of San Bernardino are now looking for the perfect home for him to be adopted into. Way to go Valentino!
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