Usually, cats born with some type of disability are euthanized, and the same fate awaited this adorable kitty. However, everything changed after she was brought to the right place.
Duchess, the Miracle Cat, was born with a crooked jaw, which led to her face being deformed.
She was brought to a Texas Animal Hospital, where a few veterinarians decided to take a chance and help the cat.
They decided to correct her problem instead of just euthanizing her like most other places would.
Even though her chances of survival were slim, these caring vets were determined to help the cat and give her a new opportunity in life.
Duchess had to have all her teeth removed, but thankfully, all the risks were worth it.
Everything went perfectly! Duchess recovered very quickly, and she got a big beautiful smile, along with a chance to be as happy as she deserves.
But wait, there’s more! The best part is that the kitty, besides a beautiful smile, also found a loving home.
After seeing Duchess and her adorable smile that simply melts your heart, Crystal Tate decided to adopt her straight from the clinic! He said:
“The day I first met Duchess, her mouth was just beginning to heal, and the feeding tube had just been removed, and she was very thin.”
He added:
“The lowest meow caught my attention; her eyes showed so much sadness, but her purrs showed so much love and hope.”
When the vets asked Tate if he could provide Duchess with a home, he immediately knew that they were meant for each other.
The only thing that worried Tate was whether he’d be a good enough parent for Duchess, but everything turned out great. He said:
“I had never cared for a special needs kitty, and she had never experienced life as a special needs kitty, but we learned together.”
He continued:
“Now, she’s grown so much, and I couldn’t be prouder… From a cat whose chances of survival were at 20%, to a spunky little love bug who climbs on everything and loves everyone.”
Duchess and Tate make each other happier every day. She reminds him that each day is a gift and that miracles really do happen, and by the look on the cat’s face, you can tell that she’s living her best life!
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