While some may consider them “just” animals, I think that we can actually learn a lot from them. They have incredible love and compassion and aren’t afraid to share it and show it to others.
Such animals actually remind us that we shouldn’t be afraid because there’s enough love for everyone and with it, we can make the world a better place.
If you don’t believe this, here’s proof for all cat lovers. Scroll down and enjoy these adorable photos proving that cats are better than people!
1. “Cat trying to comfort me after a break up…”
2. A young snow female tries very hard, a brown older male tolerates her snuggling (but secretly enjoys it)
3. Man rescued a crying stray kitten from the streets and brought her home. This is how his cat comforted her.
4. You don’t have to fight all the time when it’s much nicer to cuddle with each other.
5. Kitty taking care of a puppy, how could you not love them?
6. This faithful kitty follows its human to the gym and waits for him in the lobby.
7. This is love!
8. A furriend to lean on!
9. These two are little furballs who can’t resist cuddles and love.
10. When the new kitten gets accepted into the family.
11. “I present you my cat, comforting me while I am sick. There is loud purring involved.”
12. “My sick cat being comforted by his brother.”
13. “My sweet boy comforting me after a breakup last night.”
14. “My cat comforts me when I’m sad by purring and taking adorable naps with my leg as her pillow.”
If you enjoyed watching these adorable cat photos, or you still don’t believe that cats are better than people, then I suggest you check out the following articles and see it for yourself:
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