17 Most Mysterious Photos In The World That Cannot Be Explained

When seeking answers to unexplained phenomena, we often start by finding strong evidence that can pique our curiosity and encourage us to learn more. When that evidence comes in the form of a photo, it can be particularly chilling. In this article, we will explore some of the most strange and mysterious photos that remain unexplained to this day.

1. The Hook Island Sea Monster

17 Most Mysterious Photos In The World That Cannot Be Explained

In 1964, French photographer Robert Le Serrec took a photo of a black, snake-like creature resting on the ocean floor off the coast of Queensland, Australia. While some have suggested it could be a long tarp or similar object, there has been no credible explanation for this bizarre photo. To many, it is considered one of the greatest cryptozoological finds.

2. The Black Knight Satellite

17 Most Mysterious Photos In The World That Cannot Be Explained

This strange object photographed by NASA’s STS-88 mission in 1998 has been dubbed “The Black Knight Satellite,” and is said to be a mysterious advanced space satellite orbiting the Earth. Conspiracy theories suggest it is an extraterrestrial spacecraft or satellite, and that NASA is covering up its existence and origin. Some believe “The Black Knight” is over 13,000 years old and was placed in orbit to monitor humanity. The object has been reported by various people throughout history.

3. Edna Cintron Survived The Plane Crash On 9/11

17 Most Mysterious Photos In The World That Cannot Be Explained

Edna Cintron survived the devastating plane crash into the North Tower of the World Trade Center. In a photo, she can be seen waving for help from the 95th floor, yet it remains unclear how she survived the crash.

4. The Solway Firth Spaceman

17 Most Mysterious Photos In The World That Cannot Be Explained

On May 23, 1964, Jim Templeton took three photos of his 5-year-old daughter Elizabeth during a day trip to Burgh Marsh. He was shocked when the middle photo returned from Kodak with what appeared to be a spaceman in the background.

Templeton states that on the marshes that day, the only other individuals present were a couple of old ladies sitting in a car at the far end of the marsh. He did not see the figure until after his photos were developed and asserts that Kodak analysts confirmed the authenticity of the photo.

5. The Unexplained Lunar Lights In The Apollo 14 Mission

17 Most Mysterious Photos In The World That Cannot Be Explained

During the Apollo14 Mission, a photo was taken on the moon’s surface that depicts a strange blue light miles away that should not be there. A series of photos [AS14-66-9290, AS14-66-9293, AS14-66-9294, AS14-66-9295, AS14-66-9296, AS14-66-9297, AS14-66-9299, AS14-66-9301, AS14-66-9320, AS14-66-9339, AS14-66-9345, AS14-66-9346, AS14-66-9348] also show these “blue lights.” Some attribute them to camera lens flares while others claim they are evidence of extraterrestrial objects, UFOs, or NASA’s hidden secrets.

6. Lady Of The Lighthouse

17 Most Mysterious Photos In The World That Cannot Be Explained

Two friends took a photo of the St Augustine Lighthouse in broad daylight and did not notice anything unusual. However, when they reviewed their photos that evening, they were shocked to see someone standing on the walkway atop the lighthouse, which was empty when the photo was taken. The lighthouse is said to be extremely haunted due to the many tragedies that have occurred, including the deaths of keepers and their families and drowning children.

7. The Great Los Angeles Air Raid

17 Most Mysterious Photos In The World That Cannot Be Explained

The Battle of Los Angeles, also known as the Great Los Angeles Air Raids, took place from late 24 February to early 25 February 1942 over Los Angeles, California. It is rumored to have been an enemy attack followed by an anti-aircraft artillery barrage.

Ufologists claim that the photo of the supposed attack, which appeared in local newspapers at the time, may have actually captured an extraterrestrial aircraft. The incident took place shortly after the United States entered World War II as a result of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and one day after the Bombardment of Ellwood on 23 February.

8. The Unsolved Case Of Tara Leigh Calico

17 Most Mysterious Photos In The World That Cannot Be Explained

Tara Leigh Calico disappeared in September 1988 while on a bike ride. She told her mother she’d be back by noon, but the next time she was seen was in a polaroid picture with an unknown boy, both bound and gagged. The photo was found in a convenience store parking lot in Florida and her disappearance remains unsolved to this day.

9. Pyramid On The Moon

17 Most Mysterious Photos In The World That Cannot Be Explained

This photo, taken by Apollo 17 near the Geophone Rock during the final moon mission, was listed as a “blank” in the photographic index. While it has issues with light exposure and noise, adjusting the contrast reveals pyramid-like structures.

10. The 1941 Time Traveler

17 Most Mysterious Photos In The World That Cannot Be Explained

The black and white photo from the 1941 re-opening of the South Forks Bridge in Gold Bridge, Canada, shows a man in modern attire and holding an advanced camera. Some believe he’s a time traveler, while others argue that his style of sunglasses and clothing were available at the time. However, the advanced camera remains unexplained.

Professor Bjorn Hauge captured the photo of the Hessdalen lights, which have been reported in a 12 km stretch of the Hessdalen valley in central Norway since the 1930s. After taking the photo with a 30-second exposure, he claimed the object in the sky was made of silicon, steel, titanium, and scandium.

11. Hessdalen Lights

17 Most Mysterious Photos In The World That Cannot Be Explained

The Hessdalen lights are mysterious lights seen in a 12-kilometer valley in central Norway. These lights have been reported in the area since the 1930s. In order to study them, Professor Bjorn Hauge took a photo with a 30-second exposure. He stated that the object in the sky was composed of silicon, steel, titanium, and scandium.

12. The Babushka Lady

17 Most Mysterious Photos In The World That Cannot Be Explained

The Babushka Lady is an unidentified woman who was present during President John F. Kennedy’s assassination in Dallas’s Dealey Plaza in 1963. She may have captured the events through photography and was seen several times in various photographs, but her face was never captured as she was either facing away from the camera or obscured by her own camera. Despite efforts by US investigators, she has never come forward and remains unidentified.

13. The Ghost Of Freddy Jackson

17 Most Mysterious Photos In The World That Cannot Be Explained

The “Victor Goddard R.A.F. Squadron” photo was captured prior to the Squadron’s disbandment and all members were present for the photo session except for Freddy Jackson, an air mechanic who had died from a propeller accident a few days prior. Surprisingly, Freddy Jackson was seen in the photo behind another member in the back row, despite being deceased.

14. Vladimir Putin?

17 Most Mysterious Photos In The World That Cannot Be Explained

During President Reagan’s 1988 visit to Moscow, he was pictured shaking hands with a young boy while a White House photographer snapped the photo. Peter Souza claims the nearby blond, nerdy-looking man is a young Vladimir Putin, who later became a famous KGB spy. There is no confirmation from the Kremlin, leaving the identity of the nerdy man a mystery.

15. The Martian Spherules

17 Most Mysterious Photos In The World That Cannot Be Explained

In 2004, the Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity observed blueberry-shaped micro formations in the Martian soil. However, in 2012, Opportunity captured an even stranger image, showcasing larger spherules in greater quantities. Although believed to be composed of hematite, which could indicate past water presence, scientists remain uncertain about the true nature of these structures.

16. Naga Fireballs

17 Most Mysterious Photos In The World That Cannot Be Explained

The Naga Fireballs, also known as the Mekong Lights or “Ghost Lights,” are a mysterious natural phenomenon seen on the Mekong River in Thailand and Laos. The glowing reddish balls are said to rise from the water into the air, and are most frequently reported at night in late October. Despite attempts to explain the Naga Fireballs scientifically, no clear conclusion has been reached.

17. Michael Rockefeller?

17 Most Mysterious Photos In The World That Cannot Be Explained

Michael Rockefeller, the fifth child of New York Governor and future Vice President Nelson Rockefeller, disappeared during an expedition in the Asmat region of southwestern Netherlands New Guinea (now part of Indonesia’s Papua province) in 1961 and was presumed dead. However, in 1969, a photo was taken of Papuan cannibals with a white man believed to be Rockefeller, who had supposedly joined the tribe.

Additionally, there are other controversial photos such as the 1970s Bigfoot and 1930s Loch Ness Monster that were later proven to be hoaxes, along with the Google Earth Murder Mystery.