Dogs are amazing and teach us so much about how to treat other people. Dog lovers can agree, they deserve to be treated with the same love and kindness that they give each and every day.

It would be a beautiful world if all people treated dogs the way they deserve to be treated. If all dogs got a warm bed, a belly full of good food, and lots of cuddles and kisses.

Dog’s also have lots of wisdom to impart about living our best life. They live for fun and for their people and for all the rewards they can collect along the way. Dogs know how to have a good time.

But what if they could talk back? What if they could complain about all the outrageous things we do to them? They’d probably sound like this pup who is protesting all the annoying things done to her.

To give her dog a voice, a woman created a page for her dog on Instagram called dogwithsign. On the page, the adorable pup poses with different signs that talk about how she feels and give advice on how to treat dogs and how to live.

Baboy, who now has about 183k followers, says,
“If you don’t sit for something, you’ll never get a treat.”

Now that is some serious canine wisdom right there.

The adorable two-year-old Cavapoo lives in New York with her owner Caroline. Caroline makes the signs for her pup to hold in her mouth. She started the account after seeing Dude with Sign, a two-million strong profile of Seth, the man who holds up very relatable signs.

Baboy’s hilarious signs say things such as:
“Stop using me as pick-up lines”
“Stop pretending to throw the ball”
Toilets are just big water bowls”

We think Baboy is just the cutest. Please share her signs with your family and friends.