If you’ve ever dreamed of watching a huge pack of German shepherds play, this video is about as good as it gets.
Imagine being surrounded with nearly 100 gorgeous German shepherd dogs, all having a great time and super happy to be there. What could be better than that? Not much!
The event happened at Stone Hill Kennels. They host a bi-monthly play date and this one broke their previous attendance records. On this day, 92 German shepherds, 1 Aussie, and 1 black lab gathered in the play yard to have some fun!
The dogs love their play dates and are having a great time. They are all beautiful and very social. Dogs of all ages, from puppies to senior pups, come and enjoy an afternoon of canine entertainment while kennel attendants are on site to watch over the doggos and keep the area clean.
The fact that the dogs are so well behaved and get along didn’t happen by accident. All dogs attending the play date were either born at Stone Hill Kennels or attended their board and training. They ensure the temperament of each and every dog invited to the pupper party.
Stone Hill has been hosting the play dates for more than a decade and they have never had an issue with dog fights or injuries, due to their strict rules. Their dedication to keeping the dogs safe is awesome, thus ensuring they can keep the playtime going.
According to their social media page:
“We have been having these events for nearly a decade now with no fights or injuries (beyond a scratch or scrape from playing too rough). We have very strict entry requirements and not just any dog is allowed to come. This is so we can ensure the temperament of each and every dog in the group, for maximum safety. Only dogs born at Stonehill Kennels, or dogs who have done board and train at Stonehill and deemed suitable in temperament are allowed in. Many, many other considerations and precautions have been taken to ensure the safety of these gatherings. Please do not attempt an event like this if you are not an experienced canine professional.”
Please share this awesome video of a pack of German shepherds playing together with your family and friends.