When Dita’s owner passed away, Mike and Theresa took in the 5-year-old Chihuahua, but nothing could prepare them for the sadness the little dog was experiencing.
When Theresa’s 86-year-old mother passed away, of course, she adopted her mom’s sweet little dog named Dita. Dita and her mom were inseparable and everywhere her mom went, the little dog would also go.

The couple even smuggled Dita into the hospital when Theresa’s mom was being treated for congestive heart failure. The dog had missed her owner and was so happy to be able to see her, even if it was in the hospital.
So, when her mom passed, they knew Dita would miss her, but they were determined to take care of her. But that knowledge did nothing to prepare them for just how much Dita would mourn the passing of Theresa’s mother.

When Theresa and Mike would go to the cemetery, Dita would go with them and race right past all the graves to the one her beloved owner was in. Then the sad little dog would lie on the dirt over her owner and refuse to leave.
They would let Dita visit but when it came time to leave, Dita refuses to budge. Even when she gets up and appears to be ready to go, the loyal little dog races back to be by her owner’s side the only way she knows how.

Of course, this brings tears to Theresa’s eyes. She is glad Dita can visit her mom but of course, it is heartbreaking to see how Dita misses her and wants to be as close to her as she can for as long as possible.
Theresa wonders if Dita feels her mom’s spirit there or if it’s something else. What she does know is that Dita feels close to her mom there and somehow knows that’s where her mom is buried.

The dog is so sweet, and we hope that as time passes, her loyal little heart heals. Only time will tell. We hope you enjoyed their sweet story. As always, please feel free to share with your friends.