The La Vista Police Department in Nebraska came up with a wonderful and unique program to help shelter dogs get adopted. The program is not only off to a great start, the dogs are also enjoying the ‘ride.’
The police department calls their new program K9 For A Day. How it works is an officer picks up a dog that is in need of a home from the Nebraska Humane Society and then takes the dog on a ride-along for the day. How great is that?
The benefits of the program are many, including getting the dogs out of the stressful shelter and in front of people. It also helps improve the bond the officers’ share with their community. It raises awareness for shelter animals and improves the odds that the dog will be adopted.
According to La Vista Police Captain, Officer Bryan Waugh, it is an amazing outreach program for both dogs and the police department. “Not only does K9 For A Day raise awareness and help dogs find a loving home, this in an opportunity for cops to bond with their community.”
So far the program has been a great success. Not only do the dogs have fun, the officers do too. The first dog to find a forever home was Mickey, a super friendly black and white bull terrier mix that went out on patrol with Officer Jeannette.
On his K9 For A Day ride-along, Mickey visited kids, some businesses, went on foot patrol, and charmed people everywhere he went. In his video, Officer Jeannette is even seen teaching Mickey some new tricks.
Mickey obviously had a great time being outside the shelter and was happily adopted a couple of days later. We couldn’t be happier for Mickey and all the dogs that will be lucky enough to be chosen K9 For A Day.
We’d love to see more departments implement programs like this one. Please share this wonderful story with your family and friends.