In the busy streets of Los Angeles, a little kitten’s cries could be heard all around the neighborhood.
For several days, Jamie Orozco listened to those soft meows, feeling sad for the lonely little creature.
Determined to rescue the kitten, Jamie searched everywhere, her ears perked up for any sound.

At last, the meows became louder, leading Jamie to a porch where she found the scared little kitten all by himself.
He was only a few weeks old, and his tiny body was shaking from the cold. Without thinking twice, Jamie picked him up and brought him home.
Knowing the kitten needed help right away, she called her friends, Angelica Perez and Aaron Gray. Together, they took care of the fluffy little guy, giving him bottle feedings and lots of love. As Aaron shared in an interview:
“In the couple days I had him I learned a bit about the effort involved in rescuing a bottle-feeding kitten. I have a ton of respect for the people who do this for more than just one kitten.”

However, Jamie and her friends realized they couldn’t give the kitten the care he needed all the time, so they contacted Wrenn Rescues, a nearby animal rescue group.
Ashley Kelley, who volunteers as a foster, kindly agreed to take the kitten in. She decided to name him Bartholomew, which was perfect for such a brave little guy.

Even though Bartholomew was only about six weeks old, he was really tiny, almost like a three-week-old kitten.
But he had a huge personality and a lot of love to give. He quickly became a favorite in Ashley’s home, playing with her other cats and always wanting cuddles.

He also loved to eat a lot and would often hold Ashley’s hand while munching on his food, as she mentioned:
“He climbed right up my shirt and licked my nose when I got in my car with him. He is the sweetest little guy I’ve ever met, and he’s very cuddly. He has already got me wrapped around his little toe beans.”

Ever since he was saved from living on the streets, he has been wrapped in love and kindness.
Because of Jamie, Angelica, Aaron, Ashley, and everyone at Wrenn Rescues, Bartholomew discovered a wonderful home and amazing people who will always treasure him. Talk about being lucky, right?