An Imgur user that goes by CaliCatlady101 recently took a tiny and fragile cat in her home. It was only one day old, and no one believed the “white rat” can hold on to life. However, being an experienced cat guardian, Cali new how to nurse him back to health. She’s named the “white rat” Ollie, and he has grown into a beautiful cat since then.

Ollie was born along with 4 other kittens, and being the tiniest of them, he was probably rejected by the mother. No one believed the kitten would survive the night, but he stared at the face of adversity and defeated all the odds!

Cali kept Ollie well fed and warm, checking him every minute to make sure he’s OK. Ollie accustomed to the new surroundings – here he is sleeping in an awkward position. Cali calls the cat “weirdo” and loves snuggling up with it.

After a few weeks, Ollie was back on his feet. His eyes opened, he started walking on his own and became stronger by the day.

Now, Ollie’s a real cutie. He’s no longer the “white rat” no one thought would survive, and thanks to Cali, he’s got a great new shot at life.