Are we truly deserving of the unconditional love a pet bestows upon us? We strive to be, yet there are times when a family’s efforts fall far short. Even when a pet is perfect, their guardians may neglect them. It’s a heart-wrenching sight, but in the case of a neglected cat named Cannoli, there were guardian angels watching who made a profound difference in his life.
Cannoli Is the Purrfect Feline Confection
Cannoli, the resilient and beautiful fluffy buff and white kitty from Los Angeles is the epitome of an ideal cat. He may be a Norwegian Forest Cat or part Maine Coon, not that we care about ‘breeds.’ (Adopt, don’t shop!) But he’s gorgeous! And he’s as snuggly and serene as one could ask for in any companion.
Despite his former family’s neglect, which included locking him outside and ignoring his veterinary care, Cannoli persevered. Left unneutered and covered in fleas, the kitten bravely roamed the neighborhood, only to be injured and break his leg. Instead of receiving the care he needed, his family heartlessly moved and abandoned him, removing his collar and tags first. It’s impossible to understand how people could be that irresponsible and cruel, but there are many more good folks willing to help.
Fortunately, a watchful neighbor, Priscilla, had kept an eye on him since he was little and called him Milo. She often saw him being left outside and tried repeatedly to talk to his family. Yet they couldn’t be swayed to be responsible guardians. One day, Cannoli looked for help on Priscilla’s porch, limping on his leg, which hadn’t healed correctly. Once more, she went to his home to talk to his family, but that’s when she discovered they were long gone!

Thankfully, Priscilla reached out for help on social media and found another guardian angel, Grace Choi, from the Happy Kitty Rescue.
Video: Instagram/thehappykittyrescue
Help for His ‘Pretty Leg’
Grace gave Milo/Cannoli his new start and new sweet name. After his family failed, the Happy Kitty Rescue took on the responsibility to care for him as he deserved. Despite being abandoned, he remained extraordinarily gentle, trusting, and loving right from the start.
Now, it was time to address his leg, which he would hold to the side. He’s still a kitten with some growing left to do. Consequently, if his leg wasn’t addressed, it could become much worse as he continued growing.

“It almost looks as if he’s holding it out to look all cute and dainty, so I’ve been calling it his pretty leg
,” Grace said.
Maybe for the very first time, Cannoli enjoyed a toy Lamb Chop for Easter. You can see how much he adored it! He was finally getting the treatment he always deserved. And everyone was thrilled to see it!

Giving This Sweet Cannoli a Pain-Free Life
Cannoli continued snuggling up to his rescuer and being incredibly sweet as she put drops in his ears and gave him flea baths. Gradually, all the grime and flea dirt washed away. Then, after a trip to an orthopedic surgeon, she learned the kitty required immediate surgery to prevent painful complications. It would cost many thousands, but Grace and her kind supporters know giving him a pain-free life is worth it.
You can follow and support Cannoli and the Happy Kitty Rescue on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and TikTok.