There’s no denying that black cats are extremely elegant companions. People have appreciated them for thousands of years and saw them as sacred animals. In our view, no other house cat surpasses their stunning beauty and charm. And we love how black fur reflects a rainbow of colors in the light. Most times, a black cat shows a range of subtle hues, with some golden browns and smoky silver running through. And occasionally, we see black cats, commonly called a Ghost Tabby (or Smoke Tabby). Each hair has a delicate ombré of lighter silvery white at the root showing through.
Here’s the story of one so-called ghost tabby named J Coal, or ‘Smokey,’ from Virginia.
Smokey the Ghost Tabby
A gorgeous Ghost tabby, Smokey was still tiny when his new family rescued him over the holidays. His auntie named him J Coal after the artist, but he usually goes by his nickname after his unusual fur. At first glance, you may not notice it. But look closely!
Video via Instagram/itsj.coal
Right away, Smokey found many new friends on social media as he showed off his toe beans and sparkling golden eyes. A community of people who appreciate black cats like we do is thriving on social media, and we love seeing it!

Besides being so elegant, he’s full of fun, creeping up on Mom and peeking out, not realizing he’s in full view. Plus, the white patches on his fur help to pick him out from the shadows.
Ghost Tabby: A White Cat in Disguise
If you look close when he moves, you can see the white fur is everywhere underneath the black. Thus, his mom describes him like a “white cat in disguise.”
“Fun fact: Why is J Coal nicknamed Smokey? Because the base of his fur is actually all white! He’s known as a black smoke cat. Smokes are basically the solid version of silver tabbies. It is usually difficult to tell them from solid color kittens, except that smokes sometimes have white around the eyes and a paler stomach. These cats are very dramatic because when they move, the white undercoat can be seen. It makes it so he has this pretty smoky gray color in the light and, even more unique!
Video via Instagram/itsj.coal
POV: Your Black Cat Isn’t Actually Black
As Smokey reached 8 months old, he only became more handsome, his light undercoat showing through, especially when his fur gets wet. But it’s just something fun. If you are considering adopting a cat, the primary motivation should always be about the bond you share, and a lifetime commitment to their care. We can see that Smokey has a tight bond with his family who just find the pretty fur an interesting purrk.
For some, this unique coat color is more apparent when they are younger as they typically have white around their eyes and a paler coat. As they get older and their coats change, they may look solid black unless you get a closer look. Others it can be more obvious!” she shared.

As so-called ‘Ghost Tabbies’ grow, the coat continues to change color, and the effect may become much less noticeable unless you look very closely. In the right light, you may also notice the subtlest of tabby stripes.
For more, you can follow J Coal, aka Smokey, the ghost tabby on Instagram.
Video via Instagram/itsj.coal
Happy 8 months of life to J Coal, who reached this milestone just before this writing!
“Ya boy J Coal is officially 8 months old
which means he’s 15 human years old so he can start driving soon!
” (May 17,2024)
Always Beware of Breeders and Scams
You can find a purrfect cat like J Coal at a rescue or shelter near you. As always, beware of breeders who are always looking to cash in on unusual coat colors. Sadly, there are known scams about Ghost Tabbies, with breeders sometimes passing off kittens with a temporary fever coat. In those cases, the highlights disappear completely as they grow up.
But why would anybody go to a breeder when the prettiest cats with the best purrsonalities are looking for homes for free or a small adoption fee? Not to mention, you can be their hero and save their life! If your heart is set on a particular coat color, the best way is to volunteer at a local shelter or rescue. Before long, you can be sure to meet the companion of your dreams. (And probably quite a few more!)