Every week, stories and news reports can be found in which firefighters are saving animals lives. Smoke alarms blare, signaling those nearby to the emergency. Homes are destroyed and entire existences are thrown into disarray. If they are lucky, no lives are lost. And that is usually due to the brave first responders and local heroes at the scene. Because many times, there are souls trapped that have no way out from the advancing flames. This time, it was a young baby goat and the family cat saved from the roaring fire.

Photo: facebook.com/EscCountyFireRescue
But by the time neighbors had realized the baby goat and feline were still in the burning home, it was almost too late.
Thankfully the family was not at home at the time. The homeowner, a local youth pastor, his wife and 4 children, were attending a birthday party. It was during the celebration that they received the shocking phone call from the fire department.
Escambia County Fire Rescue in Pensacola, Florida had responded to the call from neighbors about the inferno around 3 pm. They were initially informed that there were animals…the goat and feline…still stuck in the home.

Photo: facebook.com/EscCountyFireRescue
Upon arrival, BC2 discovered a single-story wood frame private dwelling with smoke showing from the residence.
Preceding any fire unit’s arrival, neighbors kicked the front door in attempting to rescue the family pets from the blaze. The civilian-initiated rescue efforts were thwarted after being driven back by dense smoke and high heat conditions.
Photo: www.wkrg.com
Firemen used the baby goat’s horrified screams to track it down.
Prior to L12s arrival to the scene, Rose (baby goat) could be heard bleating for help inside the structure. With the L12 nozzle attacking the seat of the fire, the L12 officer was able first to locate the family cat, then the baby goat, who was attempting to hide inside a love seat’s cushions.
Photo: facebook.com/EscCountyFireRescue
Both animals were then passed off for emergency care/resuscitation.
All actions contributed to a smooth operating fire scene, quick extinguishment of fire, and family reuniting with their pets. The incident was brought under control by 4:17 p.m.
Photo: facebook.com/EscCountyFireRescue
The department later released that the fire was started by a failed power strip in the family bathroom.
Again, while the family has lost almost everything, they are extremely grateful that no lives were lost. Possessions can be repurchased and memories can be recalled. But to do all you can to protect your property and souls under your protection, you must be proactive.

Photo: www.wkrg.com
Just as the Pensacola Fire Department shared the info on their local government’s assistance, check your local options too! There are also window clings that will inform rescuers of the animals in the home.
Smoke Detectors Save Lives! Smoke detectors should be tested at least once a month. And batteries should be replaced at least once or twice a year. For information about obtaining a home smoke detector, call 850-595-HERO (4376). City of Pensacola residents may call 850-436-5200 for smoke detector installation assistance.
Photo: weartv.com