If you’ve ever watched the ‘Hoarders’ reality show, you know that some folks sadly have an extreme struggle with it. The collecting impulse is a real addiction that leads to stockpiles of every mundane thing imaginable. Unfortunately, the hoarding can also include pets, which then have to try to navigate a hazardous world.
And, given that finding a cat could be next to impossible in a hoarding home, they can’t get the care they need. Without being spayed or neutered, such cats can multiply in the blink of an eye. Then you’re left with sickly kittens coming out of the woodwork and an urgent need for intervention.
Such is the unfortunate story from Oregon. But thankfully, some wonderful ‘witches’/rescuers showed up. They would need some extra luck and magic just to find all the kittens!
Good Witches Fly To A Horrific Hoarding House
As we know, rescuing tends to be exhausting, particularly in the middle of prime kitten season. While kittens are adorable, this time of year is generally dreaded among those on the front lines.
Despite preparing for the rush, neonatal kitten rescuers from The Hawthorne Witches Tea couldn’t have imagined this extreme case. Yet, they knew they had to fly to the rescue at a ‘horrific hoarding house’ as soon as possible.
“When it rains it pours during kittens season!” they said.
Images via Instagram/the_hawthorne_witches_teas
From what they initially found out, the home was overrun with at least six mother cats and their kittens, many of whom were sickly. They could only estimate the numbers at first due to the home’s clutter. Not to mention, the homeowner wasn’t always cooperative with the witches’ efforts.
As with many hoarding homes, the place was likely to be condemned. Thus, they had the added pressure to get all the kitties out of there fast!
“We want to take as many of the kittens as we can before the state does, cause the state will probably just euthanize them,” the Hawthorne Witches Tea shared.
A picture of some kittens inside the hoarding house. Images via Instagram/the_hawthorne_witches_teas
Kittens Keep Coming Out of the Woodwork
Over several days, the rescuers managed to get at least 26+ kittens out of the hoarding home!

Many needed round-the-clock care, while a few others sadly didn’t make it. Even given the best of circumstances, kittens often face many health challenges. In this home, they were lucky just to be found!

Thankfully, supporters are donating to help obtain soft crates to house them all. So many kittens will require a large supply of food, medicine, and constant care.

In all the clutter, the witches searched high and low. Nonetheless, they couldn’t find all of them and made repeated visits as they were allowed.
“Thank you all for helping us get them out of that horrific situation. 14 are neonatal, and there [are] still two very small kittens that we could not find in the hoarder’s house, but we will be going back for them.”
Images via Instagram/the_hawthorne_witches_teas
More Kittens Incoming at the Hoarding House
It seems there’s no end to the kittens, as they keep finding more. But at least they have discovered the latest neonatal babies in better overall health. They sure are adorable, but their sheer numbers are an ongoing horror for those who want to save them all.
More neonatals incoming witches! These guys are in much better shape than the last group, thank You guys so much for supporting our mission!
To help support the rescues, you can share this post and follow and support The Hawthorne Witches Teas on Instagram.