When a manly man loves cats, it sends up all kinds of “green flags” for people. It takes a real man to show his softer side for animals, and people from all walks of life love seeing it. For example, here’s the story of a Highland Games athlete who is often seen sharing cuddles with a black cat and a Labrador Retriever.
Nathan L., a self-described amateur Highland Games athlete” from Western Washington, has been in the Marines and trained for years. Each year, he keeps getting stronger, training by “tossin’ hammers” or squatting 500 pounds. But he’s also quite funny.
“I compete in highland games. I spin. I twirl. I heave. I cartwheel. I do all of these things in competition while wearing a kilt,” he shared on TikTok.
For years, he has shared his training efforts online. But then the channel was suddenly taken over by a cute black cat. And most everyone wants more!

Punkin the black cat approaches Nathan L. while he’s trying to throw weights. Images and media via TikTok/backwoodshighlander
Highland Games Athlete Interrupted by Black Cat
Nathan sometimes gets interrupted from his Scottish manly man activities by his black cat, Punkin.
“Every time I go outside she runs out of the woods to come be with me
,” he said.
When he’s trying to train, she comes up, giving him the “sassy ‘love me!’ tail” as she strolls over, wanting to be picked up. How could he resist?
“She’s a princess and she knows it,” he said of the kitty.
Whatever Nathan is doing, such as working on his vehicle, Punkin likes to be nearby, as close as pawsible!

Sometimes, she comes out of nowhere and surprises Dad, so he always has to be on his toes.

She rubs against his legs and rolls on the grass, showing her belly and cutely demanding attention. Then, she makes air biscuits, and he “matches her energy” in return.
“I can’t not love on her,” he said.
Punkin and ‘The Goodest Boy’ Join the Highland Games
Nathan’s Yellow Lab Remi is “the goodest boy,” and also visits Dad when he’s trying to work out, with hilarious results. One day, both Remi and the kitty interrupted his training when he was trying to throw weights.
“As inconvenient as it is… I do love it,” he said.
You can see both of the adorable pets interrupt Dad in the TikTok below.
Although Nathan’s channel is usually about training for the Highland Games, that all changed when Punkin appeared.

“She has all but commandeered my entire channel,” he joked.
Followers online have been charmed by the interactions between the Highland Games athlete and his cat.
“The way she got u to stop everything u were doing to give her loves.. adorable
,” said one person.
“She plays me like a fiddle,” he replied.
“How do you get anything done? So cute!” commented another follower.
“I don’t
” he replied.
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