When you are a single guest at a wedding, there’s a slight chance you might meet the love of your life there. They say weddings are a great place to mingle, but did you know you might also meet a furry companion there, too?
The idea of helping adoptable kittens find homes at weddings is taking off in Tampa, Florida. Instead of catching the bride’s bouquet, guests interested in adoption catch a plushie in a ‘cat toss.’ Then, the winner (plus other guests) can decide to adopt a rescued companion. Thus, it’s not just the bride and groom who make a lifetime commitment that day.
But here’s a unique story where there was a feline wedding crasher who found love.
Cat Wedding Crasher
Philly rescuers shared the story of a feline wedding crasher. As the wedding guests were arriving, a sweet, one-eyed grey and white adult kitty wandered out of the woods. Wonderfully, the wedding staff took the time to reach out for help. Meanwhile, guests were charmed by the unexpected visitor. One even offered to take her home while a rescue arranged for a vet visit.
“This beautiful cat was found at a wedding venue a few days ago and the employees needed help to bring her in and believes that she may be pregnant ( Not confirmed yet). Thankfully one of the wedding guests offered to foster and now she’s safe indoors You can see she’s settled in well,” shared the Black Thornberry.
Images via Facebook/The Black Thornberry Inc
A Strange Plot Twist
At the vet, they found the 2-year-old wasn’t pregnant. Rather, she was spayed and had a microchip.
“Our wedding crasher has settled in well, and during her vet visit, we found out that she wasn’t pregnant, just thiccck,” the rescue shared.

But then something surprising and shocking happened. When contacted, the kitty’s former humans didn’t realize she was missing. And when they found out, they agreed to surrender her, only to ask if they could replace her with a kitten! It’s outrageous, particularly since this kitty needed eye surgery.
It’s also in the context of a wedding, where couples take a lifetime commitment. Likewise, adoption is a lifetime commitment, and pets are not discardable as they age. If you aren’t ready for such a commitment, you shouldn’t adopt any pet.

Needless to say, the folks who had neglected Louise didn’t get a kitten. However, the rescue was grateful to be able to help this sweet cat. Thanks to them, she got all the vet care she required. And then, things took the happiest turn!
“I am a firm believer of fate, and I am so grateful that I have her in the rescue, but most importantly, I can lead her to a better path in which she will remain indoors and experience unconditional love and affection. It’s such a cute story, and I’m just overjoyed. Heartfelt moments 💕,” Nina Love said.
A Couple Said ‘I Do’ to Adopting Louise
On the day of the wedding, two guests, Matthew and Joelle, decided to bring Louise home to foster.

Later, they said, “I do,” to adopting her!
“Our wedding crasher hit the jackpot when she traveled through the woods and met these two amazing humans.”
Matthew and Joelle with Louise
“Louise has found her forever home with a family who will love and care for her until the end of time. Thank you, Matthew and Joelle, for taking her in during the wedding and keeping her safe 💜. We may not know what all she’s been through, but you both can start a new chapter and ensure that she has the best life moving forward 🏡🐱.”
There was love in the air the day of the wedding, and it was contagious!
“Happy Adoption Day, Louise. Also congratulations to the couple who were married that day! 💍”