So often, kittens rescued from the streets are just so breathtakingly beautiful it’s hard to put into words. In the right light, you can see a million tiny whisps, feathery fluff with such subtle color variations. And when their eyes open, they sparkle like exquisite gemstones. For example, here’s the story of Rocco and Rascal, two gorgeous bonded tuxie brothers who stole the show as soon as they arrived in a Los Angeles foster home.
Who needs to go to a breeder when you can find the most exquisite cat in a rescue or shelter?

Images and media via Instagram/frakies_fosters
Rocco and Rascal, the Adorable Floofs
Rocco and Rascal are tuxedo floofs with the most epic curving white whiskers you’ve ever seen! Their contrasting fur looks softer than the softest alpaca fluff, rich with delicate shades of golden brown and black against pops of pure white. And then you see their eyes, pale peridots, looking at you inquisitively. These two are “as good as it gets” with adorable purrsonalities to match their looks. And yet they would never have survived without the efforts of numerous rescuers and veterinarians.
To think these vulnerable brothers were alone on the harsh streets of the city. They were incredibly lucky to go to the shelter where their names were Donkey Kong and Diddy Kong.

Images and media via Instagram/frakies_fosters
Although spectacular looking, they were both running on fumes. Without immediate TLC and veterinary care, they almost certainly wouldn’t have made it much longer.

“They may look identical, but Rascal is the one with the precious little beauty mark around his nose and weighs a couple of hundred grams more than Rocco!
So far I can tell you their floof and whiskers are magical, they love being held, and their purr box runs 24/7!
” shared foster mom Frankie.
Video via Instagram/frankies_fosters
A Dream Team and Perfect Match
Once safe in foster care, the ‘dream team’ could finally rest easy. Thanks to the care Frankie offered, they overcame potentially deadly URI infections, cuddling sweetly together in a soft, warm, bed.
“These 2 have proven to be the cutest little pumpkins this week!
After a week of recuperating, the boys bounced back, returning to full-strength kitten energy! Right away, they went from sleeping to non-stop playing and wrestling matches, followed by more cuddles. Their deep love for each other played a huge part in their recovery.
“I’ve been showing them playing hard recently but this perfect pair loves even harder!
,” Frankie said.
Video via Instagram/frankies_fosters
Rocco and Rascal Are ‘As Good As It Gets’
With so much fun to be had, the days flew by. Suddenly, Rocco and Rascal reached the milestone of getting neutered. Before anyone knew it, they were off to Best Friends Los Angeles to find a home together. As purrfect as they were, Frankie had high hopes they would find a home together.
Surely, it would be unthinkable to separate a pair bonded like this one. And adopting them together would make it easier for them to continue adjusting to another big chapter in life.

“My final week with Rocco & Rascal
It’s hard to believe that such an adorable loving pair have yet to be adopted but I know their perfect family is right around the corner
. And what a lucky family they will be!
A built-in pair of brothers who are also best friends, who love to cuddle, play, purr on your lap and just want to be there to complete your home
Truly, as good as it gets!
” Frankie wrote.
Everyone thought they’d be scooped up immediately, especially after appearing on the local news. Even so, it took many weeks of anxious waiting. At long last, Frankie was thrilled to learn a family had chosen them right before the holidays. And as everyone hoped, they started a new life together!

“I think we all could agree they were truly inseparable , and now they get to spend forever together!
HAPPY LIFE, cuties! You deserve the world, and I will never forget you!!
HUGE congrats to the VERY lucky family!!
” she said.
Video via Instagram/frankies_fosters