This small, scruffy ball of fur was found alone and lost in a commercial parking lot. His situation seemed hopeless until rescuers from the Little Cats Lost Society heard about him and rushed to help.
They described him as “one of the most grody, sickly, depressed little Persian cats” they had ever come across. But hidden beneath all that, he had a beautiful secret waiting to be uncovered.

The tiny kitten, later named Ziggy, was suffering from a severe ringworm infection (a fungal condition that left him feeling painful and miserable). Poor Ziggy was in such pain that he could barely open his eyes.

When Erin McDonald, a volunteer foster mom, heard about Ziggy’s situation, she didn’t hesitate to help. She rushed to the shelter to pick him up, and from that moment on, Ziggy’s world started to change. As Erin said in an interview:
“It was determined he needed a placement with an experienced caregiver, with an isolation area. So of course I said yes.”

That’s when she saw Ziggy’s incredible eyes for the first time:
“He was so small, only 3 pounds, but his eyes were bright and full of wonder. My heart broke for him.”

Ziggy’s infection meant he had to stay isolated from Erin’s other pets, and she had to wear protective gear to prevent the spread. But none of that stopped her from giving Ziggy the love he desperately needed.
“We went home, and very quickly I learned he loves snuggles and people.”

With careful treatment, including oral medication and medicated baths twice a week, Ziggy’s condition began to improve. After some time, he tested negative for ringworm, meaning he no longer had to be isolated:
“Enthusiastically, he came inside to socialize with my other pets. This seems to be the first time he’s been ‘in a house.’ So it was all new. He adapted well, and my other cats seem to like his company. He began to play and explore more. He slept with me for the first few nights.”

Ziggy was finally starting to feel like himself, and his beautiful eyes were now wide open, full of life.
Though Ziggy made incredible progress, Erin recently discovered that his ringworm wasn’t fully gone – they sadly noticed some new spots. But despite this setback, Ziggy continues to thrive, his eyes shining and full of life:
“He follows me around always. We’re really seeing who he is now.”

Even though his health challenges persist, Erin remains hopeful about Ziggy’s future:
“I am quite optimistic about his future, but we may be facing the reality that he will never be clear of the infection. This could mean it would be hard to find him a home to live in.”
No matter what, one thing is certain – Ziggy will always have a safe place with Erin and her family.

Who knows, maybe someone will see his story and rush to adopt him! Until then, Erin is doing everything she can to help Ziggy, and donations from their followers are a great help in his treatment, as she explains in the video:
Ziggy is lucky to have Erin by his side! Feel free to share his story – you might inspire someone or reach someone willing to open their heart and home to sweet Ziggy!