It’s a big world out there, and even bigger if you’re a tiny kitten. It’s a world full of so much wonder but also scary obstacles at every turn. To navigate a maze of new sights and sounds, kittens have to stick together. By forming strong bonds, their chances of finding their way are much better.
But kittens also have another survival advantage thanks to caring people: They’re ridiculously cute and irresistible to us! Here are just two adorable kittens from Dallas during prime kitten season, Mario and Luigi. Thanks to staying together and being so darned sweet, they are among the lucky few who will advance to the ultimate level: a life as princes of their own castle.
Mario and Luigi Found On the Streets of Dallas
The streets of a city like Dallas, Texas, pose countless obstacles for any cat. Yet despite all the odds, tiny Mario and Luigi, at just 4 weeks old, showed remarkable resilience. They followed each other and avoided many pitfalls. Before they knew it, they were carried away to Dallas Animal Services. There, they were suddenly surrounded by incredibly cute kittens in an overflowing kitten nursery.
The cute brothers luck continued when a team of volunteers and fosters humans from a nonprofit, Dallas Pets Alive, found them. Pulled from the crowded shelter, the duo got every chance to ‘level up.’

Image via TikTok/dallaspetsalive
Scooped Up To the Next Level
Thanks to the rescuers, Mario and Luigi reached the next level, ‘scooped up’ to loving foster home. Here, there were no dangers. Instead, their “amazing” fosterer showered the cute duo with love and everything they needed.

Images via TikTok/dallaspetsalive
It was like the cutest video game ever when Dallas Pets Alive shared the TikTok of the brothers running amok in their cute playroom (see below).

After endless play, they collapsed into a cuddle puddle. Who wouldn’t want to enjoy a sight like this in their home?

After exploring many new levels, the bonded brothers will be ready to beat the game. That’s when some lucky family adopts them together furever!

We can see these cuties will be sure to provide endless entertainment and love (see video below).
Video via TikTok/dallaspetsalive
You can follow and support Dallas Pets Alive on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok.
“These tiny twins still have a little growing to do before they’ll be ready for adoption, but soon they will be searching for their forever homes! Could it be with you?
,” the rescue asked.
Kitten Nurseries Are Overflowing with Cuties Like Mario and Luigi
For now, Mario and Luigi still have lots of playing and leveling up to do in their foster home. But there are hundreds of cats and kittens seeking homes and foster families at Dallas Pets Alive and Dallas Animal Services and Adoption Center.
“Our kitten nursery is full, and we are in need of fosters. Fostering is so rewarding; there’s nothing better than seeing your tiny foster get all big and strong and ready for adoption! We provide all the training and supplies you may need to foster these little ones.
,” shared the shelter and adoption center.
Is that tiny Mario at the shelter? Image via Facebook/Dallas Animal Services and Adoption Center
Just look at all the adorable kittens in the nursery! As you can see, they don’t require much room, just a safe, loving home. And a shelter near you will often help you get started and offer ongoing support.
Video via Facebook/Dallas Animal Services and Adoption Center