Happy 81st Birthday To Joan Van Ark, Star Of “Knots Landing”! Check Out Her Plastic Surgery Transformation

All of us must deal with aging at some point in our lives. While some of us will handle it with grace, others will take every precaution to avoid it.

Some who rose to fame in their teens due to their physical appearance or skill may feel compelled to maintain that appearance for the remainder of their lives. Even though Joan Van Ark is in her 80s and has aged significantly, she appears to be one of those folks.

Van Ark rose to fame in movies and television shows for her performances in leading parts. Over the years, her appearance has changed somewhat, and occasionally surgery can produce major changes.

She once gained notoriety for having a gorgeous complexion, high cheekbones, and a pronounced jawline, particularly in the late 1990s. When you combine that with her lovely eyes and golden hair, you have someone who will undoubtedly become well-known.

When she was cast in a role on Knots Landing, her celebrity reached a peak. She kept making appearances on that program until 1993 when it concluded after 14 seasons.

As the years passed, her attractiveness started to change. She returned to that former TV series in 1997, but her appearance had changed due to surgery.

It was evident that she was becoming older due to the lines forming around her mouth and eyes. At that age, she also had a haircut change.

Her skin was tight, so things were changing fast. She most likely began undergoing cosmetic surgery at that moment.

Her facial surgery started to appear in 2009. Her skin was unusually smooth and firm, and it appeared as though she had aged backward.

She was trying her hardest to stay young when she was walking the red carpet.

She had nearly flawless skin devoid of wrinkles in 2016. This would have eliminated any doubt that she had completed her task up to this point.

People did comment on her appearance, claiming that she had far too much Botox.

She began work on the movie Psycho Wedding Crasher in 2017. Both her eyebrows and her haircut were drastically altered for that job.

She spent a considerable amount of time hidden behind closed doors before being seen in public in 2022. She was merely attempting to perform some errands in Los Angeles during her uncommon appearance.

She was simply trying to get some things done, despite her athletic attire and ponytail.

Lastly, here’s how she seems in 2024. She still doesn’t have any wrinkles at this time, but the cosmetic treatments have undoubtedly had an impact.

Some would be quick to attack her appearance on the internet, labeling her as fragile and inquiring as to what had happened to her. Some, on the other hand, would compliment her appearance and voice their admiration.

It’s challenging to age, so we hope she may find contentment in her decisions.