A Pair Of Compassionate Foster Parents Dedicate Themselves To Rescuing Two Abandoned Kittens

I can’t even begin to think about how scared and alone these two little kittens must have felt when they were abandoned in a backyard, crying out for someone to help them.

It’s really sad to think about, but luckily, their story has a wonderful ending, and I’m about to share it with you.

In Nashville, Tennessee, a caring family heard the kittens’ cries and decided to search for them. The kittens, pure white and dirty, were covered in fleas and looked like they hadn’t eaten in a while.

Thankfully, the family located them and immediately contacted Nashville Cat Rescue, a group that helps homeless cats and kittens. They shared in an interview:

“They were filthy and covered in fleas and dirt. It took many baths to get them clean.”

white kittens in box
Source: Instagram

Two amazing volunteers, Nathan and Becca, took the kittens in. They made sure to feed them with bottles around the clock, cleaned them up, and gave them lots of love.

The kittens, named Adele and Squeak, thrived in their new home. They became super cuddly and playful, always wanting to snuggle on their foster parents’ laps and explore their new space.

However, their journey had its tough moments. When they were first rescued, they were scared and all alone, as Nathan and Becca mentioned:

“Both kittens are small for their age and love to comfort-nurse on blankets and our hands – a symptom of not having a mama kitty to nurse as babies. Otherwise, they are in great shape and adore other cats and everyone they meet.”

two white kittens
Source: Instagram

So, the caring foster parents realized they had to do everything possible to save these kittens. They spent many hours bottle-feeding them, cleaning them up, and showering them with love and attention.

There were times when it looked like Adele and Squeak might not pull through. They were so weak and delicate, and it was a constant struggle to keep them healthy. 

But Nathan and Becca never lost hope. They pushed through the hard times, and eventually, Adele and Squeak started to get better.

As the kittens got bigger and stronger, their unique personalities started to show. They were super playful, curious about everything, and full of energy. They loved to check out their surroundings and play with people.

owner holding white kittens
Source: Instagram

Adele and Squeak were really close, always hanging out together, playing, snuggling, and napping side by side. They were the best buddies, and it was obvious how much they cared for each other.

Their time in foster care was like a wild ride with lots of ups and downs. There were happy moments filled with hope, but also times when they felt scared and unsure. Still, Nathan and Becca were committed to helping Adele and Squeak through it all.

Eventually, the day arrived when Adele and Squeak were ready to find their forever home. It was a bittersweet moment for Nathan and Becca, who had become so fond of the kittens.

man with beard and kitten
Source: Instagram

But they understood it was time for Adele and Squeak to begin a new adventure. Luckily, they were adopted by a family that already had a bunch of other cats, and soon enough, they fit right in.

The family was thrilled to welcome Adele and Squeak into their lives, knowing they would give the kittens all the love and care they deserved. Foster Kittens shared on their Instagram:

“Our adoption is complete and of course they wouldn’t sit still for the photo! The snowballs went home with their mom and dad today and have a house full of kitties waiting on their arrival.”

It must have been tough for Becca and Nathan to say goodbye, but they understood that the kittens were going to a caring home, and that was what really counted.

white cats sleeping together
Source: Instagram

I’m sure they will always remember Adele and Squeak. Those two kittens were probably some of the most amazing ones they’ve ever met.

They showed Becca and Nathan a lot about love, kindness, and how strong the connection between people and animals can be. I just know they feel thankful for the chance to help them.

Now, I hope their experience encourages others to rescue animals that need help!