Woman Was Put Into A Retirement Home, Her Cat Wasn’t Ready To Let Go

If home is where your heart is, then Cleo the cat definitely belongs with her forever human, Nancy Cowen.

Awhile back, the fluffy feline was separated from Cowen when the elderly woman was moved from her home in Westcott, England, into the Bramley House Residential Home, which in the same town.

Somehow this gorgeous loving cat, who was left in the care of a neighbor, found her way to the nursing home, a place she had never been before – presumably in an attempt to find her beloved owner.

Bramley House employee Laura Costello reported the sweet story, “About two weeks after Nancy moved in, this cat just started turning up and sleeping on the benches outside the home. It was very strange.”

Staff at the home became friendly with the kitty, whose identity wouldn’t be realized until Cowen spotted the cat hanging out around the grounds a few weeks later.

“One of the other carers picked her up one day, and Nancy said, ‘That cat looks like my cat,’ ” Costello recalled. “Then she said, ‘But my cat lost part of her tail in a traffic accident.’ The carer looked at the cat she was holding and realized part of its tail was missing. Then Nancy’s sister came ‘round and said she definitely was Cleo.”

Clearly, they are inseparable, Cowen and Cleo will now stay together at the facility, where staff have all agreed to care for the cat and find her a home in the future if she needs one. For now, everyone is still baffled about how exactly Cleo found her way there.

“I have no idea how she’s found her,”

Bramley House employee Fiona Collins told the Advertiser.

“It’s quite spooky in a way.”

A cat’s love is forever.