The Magical Love Between These Two Blind Kittens Knows No Bounds!

AUSTRALIA – When these two kittens just showed up in a woman’s garden in Casula, Sydney, she quickly realised there was something different about them, reported The Dodo.

The kindhearted woman just knew that she couldn’t just let them go, so she began to feed them.

It was then that she noticed that the three-week-old kittens’ eyes were still tightly closed: they were in fact blind.

Though she desperately wanted to take care of them, her financial situation made it impossible for her to permanently take in two blind cats.

Luckily, Inner City Strays rescue centre ended up stepping up to the plate.


The rescue centre was already at full capacity, but co-founder Diana Dammery just couldn’t say no after she’d seen a photograph of the adorable kitties. She tells The Dodo:

“We didn’t care how much they were going to cost us; we just couldn’t turn our backs on them”.

They soon discovered that poor Stevie was totally blind, while Isaac was blind in just one eye. Both cats needed a special treatment for their eyes.

However, Inner City Strays happily confirmed in a Facebook post that the cats “are blissfully oblivious that anything is wrong with them”!

Perhaps the most magical part of their story is the incredible bond which exists Stevie and Isaac. The kittens are fully supporting each other through their difficulties, playing and cuddling just like any other cats.


Dammery explained that Stevie, in particular, depends on Isaac:

“If he somehow gets disoriented or is unsure, he cries and Isaac comes running. He never cries if Isaac is near. They’re best friends”.

Just 24 hours after the surgery to their eyes, the pair were then happily wrestling and snuggling once again! Stevie recovered very rapidly, while Isaac did require some extra surgery at the SASH animal hospital in North Ryde, Australia.


It’s very clear that these are two very special cats. They have proved their incredible resilience and passion for life and for each other, despite their setbacks.

As soon as they are both fully recovered, Stevie and Isaac will be put up for adoption and are hoping to find a forever home.


Dammery insists, however, that they need “a loving family that understands their needs”.