Pregnant Cat Arrives at Health Clinic in Turkey Meowing for Some Help

Animals are much more intelligent than many people give them credit for, and this cat is no exception.

A pregnant cat in southeastern Bitlis province of Turkey meowed for help in front of the local family health center as her contractions started to become too hard to endure.

Photo courtesy of local news website Bitlis 13 Haber

Photo courtesy of local news website Bitlis 13 Haber

According to local news website Bitlis 13 Haber, the heartwarming and astounding incident happened on Wednesday as a cat in labor started to meow at the door of the No.2 health center in Tatvan district when she realized she was having some complications in giving birth to her kittens.


The nurses let her in but they didn’t know just what was wrong with the pregnant kitty.

They soon realized that despite moments of intense labor the cat wasn’t able to deliver a kitten so, they called the municipality vet.

After being taken to the Tatvan Municipality Stray Animal Neutering and Rehabilitation Center, vet Sefer Durmuş saw that the cat was having a lot of difficulty with natural birth so he took her in for a caesarean section (more commonly known as c-section).


The cat gave birth to a total of four healthy kittens and Durmuş said that the mother was in good condition after the operation.

The pregnant cat realized she couldn’t do it on her own, so what better place to go than a Health Clinic? What a smart kitty!