One-Legged Stray Cat, Also Missing an Ear, Given New Life. And Also Given a Little Something More!

TAIWAN – This is just another inspiring story about the impact additive manufacturing can actually have on an animal’s life. An ill-fated cat who was discovered in Pingtung, Taiwan has been given a brand new lease on life thanks to the dedication of a team of veterinarians and 3D printing technologies.


The cat, who is a stray, was found not too long ago by a passerby, in a dire, near-death condition. The animal had been sleeping on a grinder machine to keep warm and lost three of its legs when the machine was turned on. As can be clearly seen in the photos, the machine severed both the cat’s back legs and also one of its front ones. Fortunately for the suffering feline, the person who found her brought her directly to a veterinary hospital to see if she could be treated.

After an examination of the kitty, the doctors at the veterinary hospital determined that amputation was the only course of action for saving her life. The surgery was performed by veterinary surgeon Chen Yong, who is also known as Hulk Black Jack and proved to be a success. Just 12 hours after the surgery, the cat was already eating once again and was slowly coming back to its old self.


