Nanny Dogs Help Foster ‘Biscuit and Grayvy’ Rescued From a Box

Two adorable foster kittens, Biscuit and Grayvy, and their foster nannies, Border Collies Phoebe and BB, are warming souls like comfort food. 

We’ve previously shared the story of Pheobe and BB, two amazing doggos who love all the foster kittens in the home of Aki Yamaguchi, a long-time professional dog trainer, foster mom, photographer, and writer.

Biscuit jumps at Phoebe the nanny Border Collie

Phoebe with Biscuit the foster kitten

Yamaguchi raises foster kittens with these incredibly gentle and loving dogs. As a result, the kittens are prepared to find homes where there may be pet dogs. They become better adjusted and have more possibilities to find the purrfect homes when it’s time to say goodbye.

Phoebe the nanny Border Collie with Grayvy the kitten in a basket

Phoebe with Grayvy

“I love all my foster babies and miss the ones that were adopted. I always say to my husband, ‘maybe we should adopt.’ I come to my senses and say, ‘we have to keep fostering’ One day, we will, though. 💛💛” she said on TikTok.

Phoebe with a Monarch Butterfly on her head via TikTok

Phoebe with a Monarch butterfly on her head. Images via Facebook and via TikTok/bordernerd.

Amazon Babies, Biscuit and Grayvy

Throughout the entire year, kittens still require rescue in the Houston area. In this case, a little boy found Biscuit and Grayvy inside a box by the side of the street in November 2023. So, they were dubbed the Amazon babies.

foster kittens in a basket with food

Later, Biscuit earned his name from his natural-born biscuit-making skills. Then, the little chonk Grayvy got her extra-spicy name with two Ys. She lived up to her name, becoming a messy eater with gravy all over her little face.

Grayvy and Biscuit the foster kittens with food, 2

Since local shelters were full, they would have died if someone like Yamaguchi hadn’t been there. Right away, Phoebe was excited to meet the newborns and so very gentle it’s heartwarming. 

As a wild, high-energy rowdy puppy, the foster mom was surprised when this “gentle teddy bear” side emerged. At first, a very timid Phoebe was scared of kittens, but after a “slow and positive” introduction, she decided she wanted to be mama to all of them.

“The transformation was incredible–from a growling dog to giving them her fluffy tummy to sleep in,” Yamaguchi said. She loves all the kittens differently but equally.” 

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Biscuit and Grayvy Moved into Isolation

When the furbabies were diagnosed with Coccidia, a single-celled parasite, they needed to be quarantined. A neonatal expert helped them recover as their appetites were poor.

While Coccidia usually doesn’t affect people, it could affect a dog who loves to lick kittens. This all meant temporary separation from Phoebe, and she was confused why she could only see the kittens through a plastic separator.

But thankfully, the furbabies made a full recovery, and there was later a joyful reunion a couple of weeks later.

Grayvy recovers from Coccidia being weighed with Phoebe the Border Collie looking on

“Grayvy was unsure about Phoebe after being separated from her for 10 days (due to an illness). Phoebe was sad, but patient and it paid off in the end.”

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Purrfect Meowdels 

At five weeks old, the Amazon/ Comfort food Kittens became stunning little meowdels, posing for the most adorable photos. You can see them on TikTok and Facebook.

Then, just in time for Christmas, Phoebe, still anxious to be with the kittens, got the reunion everyone was waiting for. It was Yamaguchi’s one Christmas wish that the kittens would recover, and they did!

Foster kittens at Christmas in a basket

At first, the kittens needed some time to become reacquainted, but Phoebe waited for them to remember her, which they soon did. After that, the cuteness went off the charts, and even BB, the pup, joined in the snuggles. Phoebe and BB continued to be the best nannies to Biscuit and Grayvy. The rambunctious kittens found in a box love playing inside, what else, a cardboard box.

Now, this is comforting!

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Dog Foster Nannies

Yamaguchi has worked with many Border Collies, developing their unique skills.

“Each dog has a gift. Some become working dogs, your personal comfort dog, your protector, or simply your best friend. Phoebe has found her calling as a nanny dog. This is one of the reasons I can’t keep our foster kittens, even though I’d really want to…at least not for a while. Phoebe will help so many more kittens to be dog friendly cats and be adopted by wonderful families,” she shared on TikTok.

Aki Yamaguchi, Bordernerd with Jazzy the Border Collie

Aki Yamaguchi with Jazzy the Border Collie via Facebook

Aki Yamaguchi has recently shared an eBook about her first beloved Border Collie Jazzy, who passed away six years ago. It’s called “Heart Dog – Angel in Disguise,” and will benefit Border Collie rescue and rehabilitation in February 2023. You can learn more on Facebook and TikTok.

All photos by @Bordernerd/Facebook.

foster kittens in basket, older