Pet Cam Revealed Cat’s Extreme ‘Show of Love’ For His Adoring Dad Late at Night

What would a pet cam reveal about your cats behavior while you are sleeping? What do they get into when we go off to dreamland? We’ve discovered some surprising things about the Cole and Marmalade kitties. But nothing like what happened to a young Cat Dad from Thailand whose story almost achieved urban legend status. Since 2019, there have been many versions of the story across the web. But this version is the true one.

Achi the Cat Loves Sleeping with Dad at Night

A tabby from Bangkok Thailand, Achi adored his dad, Lomphonten Lomphontan. That’s putting it mildly, as Achi couldn’t get close enough to Dad, cuddling up as close as he pawsibly could while he was sleeping. 

Lomphonten Lomphontan, Bangkok Thailand, Cat named Achi smothered dad's face at night while he slept, cam reveals cat on dad's face, Drew Barrymore, Cat's Eye, Stephen King, 6

Images via via Facebook | Lomphonten Lomphontan

Despite all the cuddles, the young man wasn’t sleeping very well. It seemed he always woke up feeling tired. In such a situation, most people would think it was sleep apnea or allergies. To get to the bottom of the problem, Lomphonten turned his previously installed pet cam toward the bed at night. And that’s when he got a big surprise!

Pet Cam Reveal a Scene Like Stephen King’s ‘Cat’s Eye’

The footage revealed something like a scene from Stephen King’s ‘Cat’s Eye‘ 80s horror movie anthology. The film explores the false old wives’ tale that cats can steal a baby’s breath. In the short story, there’s a scene starring a 10-year-old Drew Barrymore and a cute tabby named General.

Lomphonten Lomphontan, Bangkok Thailand, Cat named Achi smothered dad's face at night while he slept, cam reveals cat on dad's face, Drew Barrymore, Cat's Eye, Stephen King, 9

Drew Barrymore with General the Cat in the Stephen King anthology, Cat’s Eye from 1985. Image screenshots via YouTube

We won’t give away the plot, but suffice to say, the kitties aren’t the villians! 

Video by HD Retro Trailers:

Bizarre Sleeping Habits

Meanwhile, in this real-life story, the cameras revealed that Achi was getting way too close for comfort. It started with the kitty merely watching Dad very closely. As he fell into a deep sleep, Achi moved closer to lie on his chest lovingly.

Lomphonten Lomphontan, Bangkok Thailand, Cat named Achi smothered dad's face at night while he slept, cam reveals cat on dad's face, Drew Barrymore, Cat's Eye, Stephen King, 4

Images via YouTube

By 5:00 in the morning, the tabby had moved into the strangest position. He was sprawled out on Dad’s face, and yet, somehow, the man was sleeping through it. Have you ever seen a cat do this? It’s certainly taking affection to the extreme! And we have no idea how Lomphonten was sleeping at that point, but he was.

Lomphonten Lomphontan, Bangkok Thailand, Cat named Achi smothered dad's face at night while he slept, cam reveals cat on dad's face, Drew Barrymore, Cat's Eye, Stephen King, 5

Although the kitty wasn’t trying to steal Dad’s breath, he definitely wasn’t helping him rest either! Of course, the kitty couldn’t have known this was not a great idea for Dad’s respiration. Since the man slept through it, the kitty wasn’t getting any reaction, so, for all the cat knew, Dad was just fine.

Lomphonten Lomphontan, Bangkok Thailand, Cat named Achi smothered dad's face at night while he slept, cam reveals cat on dad's face, Drew Barrymore, Cat's Eye, Stephen King, 3

‘It’s a Show of Love’

After reviewing the video, Lomphonten agreed that the kitty wasn’t being malicious in any way. Instead of being alarmed, the good-natured guy found it funny!

Lomphonten Lomphontan, Bangkok Thailand, Cat named Achi smothered dad's face at night while he slept, cam reveals cat on dad's face, Drew Barrymore, Cat's Eye, Stephen King, 7

“I sat and watched [the footage] one night. It was very funny. I feel very much in love with him that he loves me like this. It’s a show of love,’” he told the Dodo.

That is one very caring Cad Dad and Achi adores him for it!

Lomphonten Lomphontan, Bangkok Thailand, Cat named Achi smothered dad's face at night while he slept, cam reveals cat on dad's face, Drew Barrymore, Cat's Eye, Stephen King, 2

Images via Diply.comviaFacebook | Lomphonten Lomphontan

Video by Zoo Land:

Smothered in Love

Instead of trying to steal his breath, Achi was smothering his Dad with love while he was sleeping. When the video went out on social media, others shared stories about their cats doing something similar. However, was can assume it’s uncommon since it’s so shocking to see this happening at all.

Many joked about scenes like the one from the Cat’s Eye movie, which is similar to how these harmful old wives’ tales probably started long ago.  

“Historically, cats have been both revered and feared, leading to various myths surrounding their nature. The myth that cats can suck the breath out of infants likely arose from observations of cats lying close to babies’ faces, possibly attracted by the smell of milk. In an era where infant mortality was poorly understood, any unusual behavior witnessed near a deceased child could give rise to superstitions,” shared Conservation Club.

In the case of Achi and Lomphonten, we doubt he put the cat out of the room at night. There was just too much love between them, and the young man thought it was funny. So the cat may have remained totally unaware that his Dad didn’t enjoy this habit very much! Cats are super smart, so we’re sure Achi would have quickly gotten the message if Dad had responded to it at the time.

Lomphonten Lomphontan, Bangkok Thailand, Cat named Achi smothered dad's face at night while he slept, cam reveals cat on dad's face, Drew Barrymore, Cat's Eye, Stephen King, 8

For infants, it’s, of course, always best to keep any pets out of the sleeping space. Have you experienced something like this with your cat? Let us know in the comments!

“I wuvs you so much, Dad!”

Lomphonten Lomphontan, Bangkok Thailand, Cat named Achi smothered dad's face at night while he slept, cam reveals cat on dad's face, Drew Barrymore, Cat's Eye, Stephen King, 1

Wild Nights at Cole and Marmalade’s House

Cole and Marmalade have shared many videos of what the kitties get up to at night. What we found out is life is a party at night, and it explains why cats tend to sleep all day. 

Here are Maz and Calypso partying the night away in 2022.

Video by Cole and Marmalade:

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